
Combines the individual results from all extractors into a single result set.

Inherits from: Collation Provider


The following 3 properties are defined.

Property Name Description
Output Extractor Key Type: Boolean, Default: False

If this value is true, each output value will be set to a key representing the name of the extractor which produced the match. This option is useful when extracting non-word classification features. As an example, consider the scenario where a Vehicle Fleet Inventory document contains no text other than a list of VIN numbers. With no keywords present on the document, the only way to properly classify the document is to recognize that it contains a high frequency of VIN numbers.

Since it would be impractical to train Grooper with an example of every possible VIN number, what is needed is an extractor which will match VIN numbers on the document, and output a token such as "feature_vin_number" to the classification engine. In this way, a document containing 25 VIN numbers will be treated as though it contained 25 separate occurences of the phrase "feature_vin_number".

Head Adjust Type: Int32, Default: 0

Specifies an adjustment to the starting position of each match. Values can be positive or negative. Positive values move forward in the document content. Negative values move backward through the document content.

Tail Adjust Type: Int32, Default: 0

Specifies an adjustment to the ending position of each match. Values can be positive or negative. Positive values move forward in the document content. Negative values move backward through the document content.

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Data Type