
Splits the input at each match found by an extractor.

Inherits from: Collation Provider


The following 1 properties are defined.

Property Name Description
Split Position Type: SplitPositionEnum, Default: Begin

Indicates how the input is to be split. Can be one of the following values:

  • Begin - Specifies that the input should be split at the beginning of each match.
  • End - Specifies that the input should be split at the end of each match.
  • Around - Specifies that the input should be split around each match. The number of instances returned will always be the number of matches + 1.
  • Between - Specifies that the input should be split so that the output contains the data between each instance. The number of instances returned will always be the number of matches - 1. As such, at least two extractor hits are required for any result instances to be returned.

Used By

Data Type