
Specifies the order in which results from a CMISQL Query should be returned. The ORDER BY clause is an optional component of a CMISQL Query which defines how results should be sorted. It is made up of one or more ORDER BY Elements, and takes the following general form:

ORDER BY <PropertyName> [ASC|DESC]

The parameter <PropertyName> should indicate the query name of an orderable property. This can be optionally followed by an optional sort direction, where ASC means ascending order and DESC means descending order. If no sort direction is specified, then ASC is assumed.

Ordering on Multiple Properties

To sort the result set on multiple columns, include multiple ORDER BY Elements separated by a comma, as shown below:

ORDER BY PropertyName1 DESC, PropertName2 ASC


For example, the following query, when used with the NTFS binding, will return all PDF files with 'monthly report' in the filename, sorted in descending order by file size:

SELECT * FROM File WHERE FileExtension='.pdf' AND cmis:name LIKE '%monthly report%' ORDER BY cmis:contentStreamLength DESC

Inherits from: Grooper.CMIS.QueryElement


Signature Description
New ()


Field Name Field Type Description
PropertyName As System.String System.String
SortDirection As System.String System.String


Property Name Property Type Description
IsEmpty System.Boolean Returns true if all properties with a ViewableAttribute are set to their default value.
IsWriteable System.Boolean Returns true if the object is writable, or false if it is not.


Method Name Description
GetProperties() As PropertyDescriptorCollection
IsPropertyEnabled(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently enabled.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the enabled state for.
IsPropertyVisible(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently visible.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the visible state for.
IsType(Type As Type) As Boolean Returns true if the object is of the type specified, or if it derives from the type specfied.
          Type: Type
          The type to check.
ToString() As String
ValidateProperties() As ValidationErrorList Validates the properties of the object, returning a list of validation errors.