
Database Connection Settings represent the settings necessary to connect to a Database.

Inherits from: Grooper.GrooperObject


Field Name Field Type Description
EncryptedPassword As System.String System.String
UserName As System.String System.String


Property Name Property Type Description
IsEmpty System.Boolean Returns true if all properties with a ViewableAttribute are set to their default value.
IsWriteable System.Boolean Returns true if the object is writable, or false if it is not.
Password System.String The password to be used for database access. Windows Authentication will be used when the user name and password properties are left blank.
PgUserName System.String The user name to be used for database access. Windows Authentication will be used when the user name and password properties are left blank.


Method Name Description
GetProperties() As PropertyDescriptorCollection
IsPropertyEnabled(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently enabled.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the enabled state for.
IsPropertyVisible(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently visible.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the visible state for.
IsType(Type As Type) As Boolean Returns true if the object is of the type specified, or if it derives from the type specfied.
          Type: Type
          The type to check.
IsValid() As Boolean
ValidateProperties() As ValidationErrorList Validates the properties of the object, returning a list of validation errors.