
The base type for all objects that reside in the Grooper Database.

Inherits from: Grooper.ConnectedObject


Signature Description
New (gdb As GrooperDb)
          Type: GrooperDb


Field Name Field Type Description
Database As Grooper.GrooperDb Grooper.GrooperDb
Id As System.Int32 System.Int32
Tag As System.Object System.Object


Property Name Property Type Description
HasReferenceProperties System.Boolean Returns true if the object has properties which reference Grooper Node objects.
HasValidId System.Boolean Returns true if this object has a valid row ID, indicating that it has been stored to the database.
IsEmpty System.Boolean Returns true if all properties with a ViewableAttribute are set to their default value.
IsWriteable System.Boolean Returns true if the object is writable, or false if it is not.
Root Grooper.GrooperRoot Returns the root node


Method Name Description
AddNew() As Boolean Add this object to the database as a new row.
ClearId() Clears the database row ID from this object, thereby disassociating it from the database row.
Delete() As Boolean Deletes the database row associated with this object.
GetProperties() As PropertyDescriptorCollection
GetReferences() As List(Of GrooperNode) Returns a list of GrooperNode objects referenced in the properties of this object.
IsPropertyEnabled(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently enabled.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the enabled state for.
IsPropertyVisible(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently visible.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the visible state for.
IsType(Type As Type) As Boolean Returns true if the object is of the type specified, or if it derives from the type specfied.
          Type: Type
          The type to check.
Serialize() As String Serializes the object.
SetDatabase(Database As GrooperDb) Sets the database connection of the object.
          Type: GrooperDb
ToString() As String Returns a string value representation of the connected object.
Update() As Boolean Updates the existing database row will changes to the object.
ValidateProperties() As ValidationErrorList Validates the properties of the object, returning a list of validation errors.