Batch Process Step

Represents a logical step in a Batch Process.


A Batch Process Step defines an activity to be performed as part of a batch process. Activities fall into two broad categories:

Inherits from: Grooper Node


The following 9 properties are defined.

Property Name Description
Activity Type Type: Type

The type of activity to be executed by this step.

Activity Type: Activity

Configuration settings for the selected Activity Type.

Scope Type: ProcessingScope, Default: None

The processing scope of this step. Can be one of the following values:

  • Batch - One task will be created for the entire batch.
  • Folder - One task will be created for each folder at a specific level within the batch.
  • Page - One task will be created for each page.

Folder Level Type: Int32, Default: 1, Range: 1 - 16

The folder level at which tasks will process when the Scope is set to 'Folder'.

Thread Pool Type: Thread Pool

Determines the Thread Pool that will be used to process tasks for this step.

Manual Start Type: Boolean, Default: False

When set to true, the batch process will be paused when this step is reached, requiring the user to manually start the process step.

Description Type: String

Specifies a description for the item.

Should Submit Expression Type: String

An optional expression which determines whether tasks will be submitted for individual folders or pages. The expression is executed for each folder or page in scope, and should return a True or False value indicating whether the item should be processed. If False is returned for every item in the batch, this will effectively skip the entire step. Below are various examples of should submit expressions:

Submit only items which are not flagged:
Item.Flagged = False

Submit only folders where the index data is valid:
DirectCast(Item,BatchFolder).DataIsValid = False

Submit only color pages:
DirectCast(Item, BatchPage).PixelFormat = GrooperImage.PixelFormat.Pixel24bppBgr

Submit only folders where the MIME type is PDF:

Next Step Expression Type: String

An optional expression which determines the step to be executed after this one. The expression must evaluate to a BatchProcessStep object, or to Nothing. Returning a value of Nothing will complete the batch. Below are various examples of next step expressions:

If the batch has flagged pages, go to Rescan. Otherwise, proceed to OCR:
If(Batch.HasFlaggedPages, Rescan, OCR)

If the batch has items with invalid index data, go to Data Review. Otherwise, proceed to Export:
If(Batch.HasDataErrors, Data_Review, Export)


Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Add Multiple Items Creates multiple items as children of the selected object.
Clear Children Deletes all children of the selected object(s).
Export to Zip Archive Exports a set of Grooper nodes to a ZIP archive.
Publish to Grooper Repository Publishes one or more Nodes to one or more Target Grooper Repositories.
Unpublish Unpublishes a set of Grooper Nodes to a Target Grooper Repository.


Tab Name Description
Batch Process Step - GeneralProvides a user interface for viewing and managing the children of a Grooper Node.
Attended Activity TesterProvides a user interface allowing an Attended Activity to be tested.
Classify TesterTester used to test and configure the Classify step of a batch process.
ESP Auto Separation TesterProvides a user interface to test the Separate activity.
Page Classification TesterProvides a user interface allowing the Classification of pages to be tested.
Recognition Unit TesterProvides a user interface for testing the Recognize activity.
Redaction PreviewProvides a user interface for testing the Redact Activity on test batch documents.
Unattended Activity TesterProvides a user interface allowing an Unattended Activity to be tested.
XML Transform TesterProvides interactive editing and testing of an XSLT 1.0 transform associated with the XML Transform Activity.
Grooper Node - ScriptingProvides script viewing, compilation, management, and basic editing features.
Grooper Node - ContentsProvides a user interface for viewing and managing the children of a Grooper Node.
Grooper Node - AdvancedDisplays detailed information about Grooper Node objects, and provides administrative functions for managing them.

See Also

Activity, Thread Pool

Used By

Batch, Batch - Clone To Production, Batch - Reset, Batch - Update Process, CMIS Legacy Import, File System Import, FTP Import, Import Descendants, Import Query Results, Mail Import, SFTP Import, Spawn Batch, Test Batch