Culture Data

Provides information about a specific culture (locale). The information includes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, the sort order of strings, and formatting for dates and numbers.


The following 8 properties are defined.

Property Name Description
Code Type: String

The ISO code associated with the culture.

Display Name Type: String

The display name of the culture.

English Name Type: String

The English name of the culture.

Native Name Type: String

The name of the culture in the native language.

Country Code Type: String

The ISO country code associated with the culture.

Language Code Type: String

The ISO language code associated with the culture.

Default Child Culture Type: Culture Data

For neutral cultures (languages), specifies the default specific culture.

Character Set Type: String

The list of characters which appear on a keyboard for this culture.

Used By

Batch Folder, Batch Page, Data Type, DateTime, Decimal, Double, Form Type, Int16, Int32, Int64, Lexicon, Region Settings, Tesseract OCR, Tesseract OCR - Train Font, Translate, Transym OCR 5