
A Document Type is an object in a Content Model which represents a distinct type of document, such as an invoice or contract. Document Types are ultimately assigned to documents in a batch in a process called classification Document Types are created as children of Content Model or Content Category objects. Once created, document types can be assigned to Batch Folder objects in a Batch manually using the Batch Folder - Assign Document Type command. The act of assigning a document type to a folder is called classification.

Classification is rarely performed manually by a user. In most cases, automated classification is used to classify documents based on their lexical content or visual appearance. To use automated classification, each document type must be trained with examples or configured with classification rules.

Classification training can be performed in Grooper Design Studio using the Classification Tester tab of the parent Content Model or Content Category, or in user modules via the Batch Folder - Train Document command. During training, a hierarchy of Form Type, Page Type, and Training Page objects are created as children of the Document Type. These objects represent different variations or languages of the document type, and store the data generated by the training process.

A Document Type inherits all Data Elements defined on parent objects in the Content Model, and may provide a Data Model to define Data Elements which are specific to the Document Type. The total set of Data Elements for a Document Type include those defined in the local Data Model, plus those inherited from parent objects in the Content Model.

Inherits from: Grooper.Core.ContentType


Signature Description
New (gdb As GrooperDb) Initializes a new instance of the DocumentType class.
          Type: GrooperDb
          The associated Grooper database.
New (gdb As GrooperDb, Name As String) Initializes a new instance of the DocumentType class.
          Type: GrooperDb
          The associated Grooper database.
          Type: String
New (gdb As GrooperDb, dr As IDataReader) Initializes a new instance of the DocumentType class from a DataReader object.
          Type: GrooperDb
          The associated Grooper Database.
          Type: IDataReader
          The DataReader object.


Field Name Field Type Description
Database As Grooper.GrooperDb Grooper.GrooperDb
IsDeleted As System.Boolean System.Boolean


Property Name Property Type Description
ACL Grooper.AccessControlList Returns the effective ACL for this node. If no ACL has been set directly on the node, the tree structure is traversed up to the root and the first ACL encountered is returned. If no ACL is found, null/Nothing will be returned.
AllChildContentTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates all descendant content types.
AllChildren System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates recursively through all nodes below this node.
AllChildrenOfType(Type As Type) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Returns all nodes at any level below the current node which have a TypeName matching the supplied parameter.
          Type: Type
          The type to filter by.
AllowedChildTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates the list of types which can be added as children.
AllowTraining System.Boolean Controls whether training is allowed with this Content Type.
AllTrainingPages System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates all descendent TrainingPage objects.
AllZones System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates all zones existing in all DataElementProfiles on this ContentType.
Attributes Grooper.GrooperNode.NodeAttributes The attributes of this node.A combination of the following flags:
  • None: No attributes are set.
  • ReadOnly: If set, the properties of the object are not editable.
  • FixedContents: If set, child objects cannot be added, removed, or reordered.
  • Sorted: If set, child objects will be automatically sorted by name.
  • HasACL: Indicates whether this node has an Access Control List attached to it.
  • System: Indicates whether this node is a system object.
AutoName System.Boolean Indicates whether this node type uses automatic name generation. Node types which use auto name generation: (a) do not prompt for a name on creation; and (b) disable user renaming.
BaseContentType Grooper.Core.ContentType.BaseContentTypeEnum The base content type.Can be one of the following values:
  • Document: The content type represents a document, and will be displayed in a batch using a document icon.
  • Folder: The content type represents a folder, and will be displayed in a batch using a folder icon.
BranchResourceFolders System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates the set of resource folders existing between this node and the root of the ContentModel.
CanAddChildren System.Boolean Returns true if this node has child types defined, the current user has appropriate write permissions, and the 'ContentsReadOnly' flag is not set.
CanHaveChildren System.Boolean Indicates whether this node type can have children.
CanScript System.Boolean Indicates whether this node type can have a script.
ChildContentTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates content types which are immediate children of this content type.
ChildrenAtLevel(Level As Int32) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates though children at a specific level below this node.
          Type: Int32
          The number of levels below this node to generate a list for.
ChildrenOfType(Type As Type) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Returns all immediate children of this node which have a TypeName matching the supplied parameter.
          Type: Type
          The TypeName to filter by.
CodeName System.String Returns the Name for this element, formatted as a valid identifier name.
CombineContiguous System.Boolean If enabled, contiguous instances of this document type within a batch will be combined into a single document.
ContentModel Grooper.Core.ContentModel Returns the ContentModel object at the root of this ContentType hierarchy..
ContentTypesAtLevel(Level As Int32) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Returns all nodes derived from ContentModelNode at the specified level below this node.
          Type: Int32
          The 0-based level below this node to search.
DataElementProfiles System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue) Iterates the list of DataElementProfiles stored on this ContentType.
DataModelScope System.Int32 The maximum number of pages to be included in the scope from which data extraction is performed. This setting can be used to limit the number of pages loaded during data extraction and data review in cases where OCR has been performed on all pages in a large document, but the data extraction is only relevant to the first few pages. A value of 0 indicates unlimited scope.
Description System.String Generic property allowing an administrator to document the purpose of this Grooper Node.
DirtyFields Grooper.GrooperNode.DirtyFieldMask Returns a bit mask specifying which database fields have been modified.A combination of the following flags:
  • None
  • NonField
  • Name
  • ParentId
  • NodeIndex
  • NumChildren
  • Attributes
  • NodeValues
  • Files
  • Properties
DisplayName System.String The human-readable display name for this node. Derived classes can override this property to provide dynamically generated names rather than stored names. For example, BatchPage overrides this property to return "Page 1", "Page 2", etc. using the NodeIndex rather than trying to keep up with renaming nodes each time a page is inserted. Please note that all nodes must have a unique name, so if dynamic name generation is to be implemented, use the node's unique id as the name.
FileNames System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Provides a list of filenames for files associated with this node.
Files System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates the list of file objects stored on this node.
FilesDirty System.Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the properties of this node have changes which should be written to the database on the next call to SaveChanges().
FilesString System.String Gets JSON string which contains the serialized file entries for this node.
FullDisplayName System.String Returns the full display path and display name for this node.
HasACL System.Boolean Returns true or false to indicate whether this node has an ACL attached to it.
HasCircularReference System.Boolean Returns True if this node references any Grooper Nodes that reference this node.
HasCompiledScript System.Boolean Determines whether this node has a compiled script associated with it.
HasContentsReadOnlyFlag System.Boolean Indicates whether this node has the ContentsReadOnly attribute set.
HasContentsSortedFlag System.Boolean Indicates whether this node has the ContentsSorted attribute set.
HasDbRow System.Boolean A boolean value indicating whether this node has been written to the database.
HasReferenceProperties System.Boolean Returns true if the object has properties which reference Grooper Node objects.
HasScript System.Boolean Returns a value indicating whether this node has a script associated with it.
IconImage System.Drawing.Image Returns a 16x16 icon image which represents this object.
IconKey System.String Returns a unique identifier representing the icon image used for this object.
Id System.Guid Unique Node ID. This value is read only. Every node in the Grooper tree structure is identified by a GUID.
ImmediateChildCount System.Int32 Cmis Convenience method to return a count of the immediate children of this node.
IsDirty System.Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this node has been changed and needs to be written to the database. Please note that value is set automatically when any properties of a node are changed.
IsEmpty System.Boolean Returns true if all properties with a ViewableAttribute are set to their default value.
IsExportable System.Boolean Indicates whether this node may be exported.
IsReadOnly System.Boolean Indicates whether this node has the ReadOnly attribute set.
IsRenameable System.Boolean Returns False if this node depends on a fixed name.
IsSystem System.Boolean Indicates whether this node has the System attribute set.
IsWriteable System.Boolean Indicates whether this node is writable. To be writable, a node must not have the ReadOnly or System attribute set, and the current user must have Write access to it.
Item(Name As String) Grooper.GrooperNode Returns the child node with the provided name.
          Type: String
          The name of the child node.
Item(Index As Int32) Grooper.GrooperNode Returns the child node with the provided name.
          Type: Int32
          The 0-based index of the child node.
LocalDataModel Grooper.Core.DataModel Returns the Data Model which is an immediate child of this ContentType, or null if no Data Model exists.
LocalResourcesFolder Grooper.Folder Returns the local resource folder for this content type, or null if none exists.
Locked System.Boolean Returns true if the node is locked.
LockedByMe System.Boolean Returns true if the node is locked by the current running process.
MaximumPages System.Int32 The maximum number of pages allowed for a document to be classified as this document type. During classification, any document with more than this number of pages will be excluded from consideration as this document type. If set to zero, no maximum page limit will be enforced.
MinimumPages System.Int32 The minimum number of pages required for a document to be classified as this document type. During classification, any document with less than this number of pages will be excluded from consideration as this document type. If set to zero, no minimum page limit will be enforced.
ModelLevel System.Int32 Returns the level of this ContentType in the ContentModel. The ContentModel itself represents level 0.
Name System.String The name of the node. Names must be unique within the parent container node. Use DisplayName when displaying in a user interface. Some object types generate the name displayed to users dynamically by overriding the DisplayName property. For example, a BatchPage node uses the unique GUID Id as its actual name, but for display purposes uses its position within the parent folder to produce "Page 1", "Page 2", etc.
NameField Grooper.Core.DataField An optional Data Field to use for automatic folder naming. If a value is specified, the folder name will be automatically updated any time changes to the specified field are saved.
NegativeExtractor Grooper.Core.EmbeddedExtractor The extractor to use for excluding possible candidate from being classified as this Document Type. If the extractor provided here successfully extracts one or more values from the document, this document type will be excluded from consideration.
NextNode Grooper.GrooperNode The sibling node following this node.
NodeIndex System.Int32 The index of this node within the parent container.
NumChildren System.Int32 The number of children this node contains.
PageCount System.Int32 When Pagination is set to 'Fixed', defines the page count for this document type. The document type will consume exactly this number of pages, unless the start of a new document is encountered.
PageRegistrationZones(PageNo As Int32) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates all page registration zones existing in all DataElementProfiles on this ContentType for a specific page number.
          Type: Int32
          The page number for which to find RegistrationZone objects.
Pagination Grooper.Core.DocumentType.PaginationType Defines the pagination method to be used during document separation. The separation process generally works as follows:
  • The initial separation points are established by finding all pages which classify as Page 1 of a document type.
  • At each document start position, the separation settings for the corresponding document type will be applied.
  • If Pagination is set to 'Extended' the document will simply extend to the start of the next document.
  • The other pagination methods define various mechanisms for detecting the last page and truncating the document.
Can be one of the following values:
  • Structured: The document type is a structured form, and should match a trained example page-for-page.
  • Unstructured: The document type is unstructured and of variable-length. If EPI is present, the document will extend to the point indicated by the embedded page information. Otherwise, the document will be extended to include all pages which meet the minimum confidence for any known page associated with the document type.
  • Fixed: The document type is always a specific fixed length, as indicated by the 'Page Count' property.
  • Extended: The document type should consume all pages up to the next document.
ParentId System.Guid The ID of the parent node. Use the ParentNode property to access the parent.
ParentNode Grooper.GrooperNode Returns the parent node.
PositiveExtractor Grooper.Core.EmbeddedExtractor The extractor to use for positive identification of this Document Type. If the extractor provided here successfully extracts one or more values from the document, the document will be classified as this Document Type with no further processing.
PrevNode Grooper.GrooperNode The sibling node preceding this node.
PrioritizeEPI System.Boolean Specifies that the EPI sequence of an unstructured document type should always be respected. When disabled, the EPI sequence of an unstructured document type can be broken by a confident page 1. For example, consider a 10-page contract with EPI clearly indicating pages 1 through 10. If page 6 classifies condfidently as page 1 of another document type, then the contract will end at page 5, and page 6 will begin a new document. This behavior is designed to handle cases where, for example, 3 documents are sent in a single fax transmission, and the fax machine imprinted page numbers across the whole sequence.

When enabled, the EPI sequence of an unstructured document type is considered immutable, and cannot be broken even if one of the pages looks like a new document. In the example above, this would keep the 10-page contract whole, and discard the detected break at Page 6.

This property is only available when Pagination is set to 'Unstructured'.

PropertiesJson System.String Gets or sets the JSON string which contains the serialized properties for this node. Do not set this property unless you know what you are doing.
PropsDirty System.Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the properties of this node have changes which should be written to the database on the next call to SaveChanges().
Root Grooper.GrooperRoot Returns the root node
RowId System.Int32 Unique identifier for the database row associated with this node. This value is read only. A Grooper tree structure can make use of multiple database tables. The Id value is a GUID that uniquely identifies the node globally. The RowId is an integer identity value which uniquely identifies the row in a specific database table.
RowVersion System.String Unique value that indicates the version of the database row. Used to detect changes written to the database by another process. This value is read only.
RuntimeDataModel Grooper.Core.DataModel Gets the DataModel associated with this node, including any DataModel inherited from a parent node.
RuntimeDataModelScope System.Int32 The value returned will be the first scope encountered that is not set to unlimited (0), beginning with this content type, and climbing it's ancestry until reaching the Content Model.
TriggerOnAnyPage System.Boolean When Pagination is set to 'Extended', specifies that separation should occur when a confident result is encountered for any page of this document type. If this option is disabled, separation will only occur when a confident Page 1 is encountered.
TypeDisplayName System.String A human-readable name for the type of this node.
TypeName System.String The typename of the current node. This property is read only. Type names are the name of the class inherited from GrooperNode.
UseCount System.Int32 Returns the count of nodes referencing this node.
ValueNames System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Iterates through the list of value names associated with this node.
ValuesString System.String Gets JSON string which contains the serialized values for this node.


Method Name Description
AppendNode(NewNode As GrooperNode) As Boolean Appends a new node as child of this node.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to append.
AppendTextFile(FileName As String, Value As String)
          Type: String
          Type: String
CcAppendChild(NewNode As GrooperNode, ipd As IProgressDisplay) As Boolean Appends the specified node as a child of this node.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to append to the child list.
          Type: IProgressDisplay
CcAppendChildren(NewNodes As IEnumerable(Of GrooperNode), ipd As IProgressDisplay) As Boolean Appends the specified items as a children of this node.
          Type: IEnumerable`1
          Type: IProgressDisplay
CcDeleteChild(Id As Guid, ipd As IProgressDisplay) As Boolean Deletes the specified child node.
          Type: Guid
          The ID of the node to delete.
          Type: IProgressDisplay
          Progress display object.
CcDeleteChildren(Ids As IEnumerable(Of Guid), ipd As IProgressDisplay) As Boolean
          Type: IEnumerable`1
          Type: IProgressDisplay
CcInsertChild(NewNode As GrooperNode, InsertIndex As Int32) As Boolean Appends the specified node as a child of this node at a specific position.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to insert.
          Type: Int32
          The 0-based index at which the node should be inserted.
CcMove(NewParent As GrooperNode, InsertIndex As Int32) As Boolean Moves the node to a new parent, optionally inserting it at a specific index.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The new parent node.
          Type: Int32
          The 0-based index at which the node should inserted.
CcRenameChild(Id As Guid, NewName As String, EnsureUnique As Boolean) As Boolean Renames the child node with the specified ID.
          Type: Guid
          The ID of the node to rename.
          Type: String
          The new name.
          Type: Boolean
          If set to true, a unique name will be automatically generated if needed. If set to false, and the provided name is already in use, an error will be generated.
ChangeFileStore(NewFileStore As FileStore) As Int32 Moves the files for this node to the indicated filestore.
          Type: FileStore
          The new file store.
Clear() Removes a value from this node.
ClearValue(ValueName As String) Removes a value from this node.
          Type: String
          The name of the value to remove.
Clone(gdbDst As GrooperDb, KeepId As Boolean) As GrooperNode Creates a clone of this node.
          Type: GrooperDb
          Type: Boolean
CloneBranch(gdbDst As GrooperDb, ipd As IProgressDisplay, KeepIds As Boolean) As GrooperNode Clones this branch of the tree.
          Type: GrooperDb
          Type: IProgressDisplay
          Type: Boolean
ContainsId(Id As Guid) As Boolean Determines if a node with the specified Id value is present as an immediate child of this node.
          Type: Guid
          The Id to search for.
ContainsName(Name As String) As Boolean Determines if a node with the specified name is present as an immediate child of this node.
          Type: String
          The Id to search for.
CopyFileTo(SrcFileName As String, DstNode As GrooperNode, DstFileName As String) As Boolean Copies a file from this node to another GrooperNode.
          Type: String
          The filename to copy.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The destination node.
          Type: String
          The destination filename.
CopyPropertiesFrom(Node As GrooperNode) Copies the properties from another GrooperNode.
          Type: GrooperNode
CreateChild(ItemType As Type, ItemName As String) As GrooperNode Creates a new child node with the specified type and appends it to the current node.
          Type: Type
          The type of the new node.
          Type: String
          The name of the new node.
CreateChildren(ItemType As Type, ItemNames As IEnumerable(Of String)) As List(Of GrooperNode) Creates multiple child nodes with the specified type and appends it to the current node.
          Type: Type
          The type of nodes to create.
          Type: IEnumerable`1
          The name of the new node.
CreateDataElementProfile(Element As DataElement) As DataElementProfile Creates a new DataElementProfile for the specified DataElement.
          Type: DataElement
          The DataElement for which to add a profile.
CreateFileCopy(SrcFileName As String, DstFileName As String) As Boolean Copies the specified file to a new file with a different name.
          Type: String
          The source file name.
          Type: String
          The destination file name.
Delete() As Boolean Deletes the database row associated with this node, as well as all file objects associated with this node.
DeleteDataElementProfile(Element As DataElement) Deletes the DataElementProfile for the specified DataElement.
          Type: DataElement
          The DataElement for which to delete the profile.
DeleteFeatures() Deletes all classification features stored on this content type.
DeleteFile(FileName As String, IgnoreErrors As Boolean) As Boolean Deletes a file associated with this node.
          Type: String
          The filename under which the file was previously stored.
          Type: Boolean
DisableScript() Disables the script associated with this node by deleting the compiled assemblies.
EnsureLoaded(Recursive As Boolean) Ensures that the contents of the current node have been loaded at least 1 level deep.
          Type: Boolean
          If true, the entire branch is loaded. Otherwise, only immediate children will be loaded.
FileEntryExists(FileName As String) As Boolean Determines if file entry exists with the specified name.
          Type: String
          The name of the file.
GetAncestor(LevelsAbove As Int32) As GrooperNode Returns the ancestor node a specific number of levels above this node.
          Type: Int32
          The number of levels. A value of 1 will return the parent of this node.
GetAncestorOfType(Type As Type) As GrooperNode Returns the first ancestor up the tree which has the indicated type, or which derived from the indicated type.
          Type: Type
          The type of GrooperNode object to find.
GetBranchReferenceCount(TargetRefId As Guid) As Int32 Returns the number of references from this Branch to Node indicated by TargetRefId.
          Type: Guid
GetBranchReferences() As List(Of Guid) Returns a consolidated list of references to this node or any of its children.
GetBranchReferencesToMe() As List(Of Guid) Returns a consolidated list of references to this node or any of its children.
GetContentTypes(Level As ClassificationLevel) As IEnumerable(Of ContentType) Iterates the set of content types at the indicated level below this content type.
          Type: ClassificationLevel
          The level to use.
GetDataElementProfile(Element As DataElement) As DataElementProfile Returns the DataElementProfile for the specified DataElement.
          Type: DataElement
          The DataElement for which to retrieve the profile.
GetDisplayPathFrom(Ancestor As GrooperNode) As String Returns a string representing the path (made from display names) between this node and an ancestor node above it in the tree structure.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to calculate a path from. This node must be an ancestor of the current node.
GetFileEntry(FileName As String) As ContentFile Retrieves a file entry by name.
          Type: String
          The name of the file.
GetLastError() As String Returns the last error message which was set with SetLastError() or WriteToLog().
GetLevelsBelow(Type As Type) As Int32 Gets the number of levels between this node and a node above it of a specific type.
          Type: Type
          The node type to measure from.
GetLevelsBelow(Node As GrooperNode) As Int32 Gets the number of levels between this node and a specific ancestor node.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to measure from.
GetLock() As NodeLock Obtains the lock object for this node.
GetNode(IdToFind As Guid) As GrooperNode Finds a node with the specified Id value.
          Type: Guid
          The unique Id value to find.
GetPathFrom(Ancestor As GrooperNode) As String Returns a string representing the path between this node and an ancestor node above it in the tree structure.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to calculate a path from. This node must be an ancestor of the current node.
GetPathFromRoot() As String Returns a string representing the path between this node the root node.
GetPathTypesFromRoot() As String Returns a string representing the path types between this node and the root node.
GetProperties() As PropertyDescriptorCollection
GetReferences() As List(Of GrooperNode) Returns a list of references to this node.
GetReferencesToMe() As List(Of Guid) Returns a list of references to this node.
GetShadowNode(IncludePath As Boolean) As ShadowNode
          Type: Boolean
GetTrainingPages(LanguageCode As String) As IEnumerable(Of TrainingPage)
          Type: String
GetUniqueName(BaseName As String) As String Creates a unique name for a child node, starting from a base name and adding a number at the end if needed.
          Type: String
          The base name.
GetValue(ValueName As String) As TheType Reads a serialized JSON object from a value.
          Type: String
          The value name under which the object was previously stored.
GetValue(ValueName As String) As String Reads a string value from this node.
          Type: String
          The value name under which the string was previously stored.
HasChanged() As Boolean Determines if the database row associated with this node has been modified by another process since the time it was read.
HasLocalDataElementProfile(Element As DataElement) As Boolean Returns true if a DataElementProfile for the specified DataElement is stored on this ContentType.
          Type: DataElement
          The DataElement to check.
HasRegistrationZones(PageNo As Int32) As Boolean Returns true if a page-level RegistrationZone exists for the indicated page number.
          Type: Int32
          The page number to fund registation zones for.
HasValue(ValueName As String) As Boolean Determines if a value exists on this node.
          Type: String
          The name of the value to check.
InitScript() As Boolean Initializes the script associated with this node.
InsertNode(NewNode As GrooperNode, im As InsertMethod) As Boolean Inserts a node as a child of this node.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to insert.
          Type: InsertMethod
          The insert method.
InsertNode(NewNode As GrooperNode, InsertIndex As Int32) As Boolean Inserts a node as a child of this node.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to insert.
          Type: Int32
          The index at which the item should be inserted, or the constant GrooperNode.Append.
IsDescendantOf(Node As GrooperNode) As Boolean Determines if the specified node is an ancestor of this node.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The node to check.
IsDescendantOf(Type As Type) As Boolean Determines if a node with the specified type or deriving from the specified type is an ancestor of this node.
          Type: Type
          The type to check.
IsPropertyEnabled(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently enabled.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the enabled state for.
IsPropertyVisible(PropertyName As String) As Nullable(Of Boolean) Defines whether a property is currently visible.
          Type: String
          The name of the property to determine the visible state for.
IsType(Type As Type) As Boolean Returns true if the object is of the type specified, or if it derives from the type specfied.
          Type: Type
          The type to check.
LoadFeatures(Culture As CultureData) As FeatureDictionary
          Type: CultureData
LoadFile(FileName As String) As ContentStream Loads a file as a stream.
          Type: String
          The filename to read.
LoadFileObject(FileName As String, AdditionalTypes As IEnumerable(Of Type)) As TheType Loads a JSON-serialized object from the file store.
          Type: String
          Filename the object was previously stored under.
          Type: IEnumerable`1
LoadImage(FileName As String) As GrooperImage Loads an image from the specified filename.
          Type: String
LoadTextFile(FileName As String) As String Loads a text file from the file store.
          Type: String
          The filename under which the file was previously saved.
Lock(ProcedureName As String) As Boolean
          Type: String
Lock(ProcedureName As String, ReloadIfChanged As Boolean) As Boolean
          Type: String
          Type: Boolean
Lock(ProcedureName As String, ReloadIfChanged As Boolean, Timeout As Int32) As Boolean Attempts to obtain an exclusive lock on the node.
          Type: String
          The name of the procedure requesting the lock.
          Type: Boolean
          If true, the node will be checked to see if it has changed since it was read from the database. If so, it will be reloaded.
          Type: Int32
Move(NewParent As GrooperNode, InsertIndex As Int32) As Boolean Moves this node from its current location in the tree structure to a new location.
          Type: GrooperNode
          The parent node that this node should be moved to.
          Type: Int32
          The index at which the item should be inserted, or the constant GrooperNode.Append.
MoveChildren(NewParent As GrooperNode) As Boolean Moves all children of this node to another node.
          Type: GrooperNode
MoveItemsHere(OldParent As GrooperNode, Items As IEnumerable(Of GrooperNode)) As Boolean
          Type: GrooperNode
          Type: IEnumerable`1
NameIsConflict(NewName As String) As Boolean Determines if renaming this node to the specified value will create a name conflict with another node in the same parent container.
          Type: String
          The name to check.
NodeFromPath(Path As String, FromRoot As Boolean) As GrooperNode Finds a child node using a path string.
          Type: String
          A GrooperNode object, or Null/Nothing if the path is not found.
          Type: Boolean
          If true, then search from root, otherwise search from the current node.
PathExists(Path As String) As Boolean Determines if a node exists for a specific path.
          Type: String
          The path to check.
Purge(ipd As IProgressDisplay) As Boolean Purges all training data.
          Type: IProgressDisplay
          Progress display object
Reload(ReloadChildren As Boolean) As Boolean Reloads this node from the database.
          Type: Boolean
Remove() Removes this node and marks it for deletion on the next call to GrooperDb.SaveChanges().
RenameFile(OldFileName As String, NewFileName As String) As Boolean Renames a file associated with this node.
          Type: String
          The current filename.
          Type: String
          The new filename.
SaveFile(Stream As Stream, MimeType As String, DstFileName As String, AllowOverwrite As Boolean) Saves a file from a stream to Grooper.
          Type: Stream
          Type: String
          Type: String
          Type: Boolean
SaveFileObject(FileName As String, Item As TheType, AdditionalTypes As IEnumerable(Of Type), AllowOverwrite As Boolean) Saves an object to the file store using JSON serialization.
          Type: String
          The filename to store the object under.
          Type: TheType
          The object to be stored.
          Type: IEnumerable`1
          Type: Boolean
SaveImageFile(Image As GrooperImage, DstFileName As String, AllowOverwrite As Boolean) Save an image file on this node under the specified filename.
          Type: GrooperImage
          The image to save.
          Type: String
          The filename under which to save the image.
          Type: Boolean
          If set to false, the method will fail if a file with the same name already exists.
SaveTextFile(DstFileName As String, TextContent As String, MimeType As String, AllowOverwrite As Boolean) Saves text data to a file in the file store.
          Type: String
          The filename to store the file under.
          Type: String
          The text content to save.
          Type: String
          The MIME type to associate with the data.
          Type: Boolean
Serialize() As String Serializes the object.
SetBranchAttributes(Value As NodeAttributes) Sets the attributes on this node and all nodes below it.
          Type: NodeAttributes
          Attributes to set.
SetDatabase(Database As GrooperDb) Sets the database connection of the object.
          Type: GrooperDb
SetLastError(Message As String, pa() As Object()) Sets an error message which can be retrieved by calling code via GetLastError().
          Type: String
          The message. Uses String.Format syntax.
          Type: Object
          The String.Format parameters.
SetValue(ValueName As String, Value As TheType) Saves an object to a value using JSON serialization.
          Type: String
          The value name to store the object under.
          Type: TheType
          The object to store.
SetValue(ValueName As String, Value As String) Saves a string value to this node.
          Type: String
          The value name under which to store the string.
          Type: String
          The string to store.
SortChildren(SortByIndex As Boolean) Sorts the children of this node on name.
          Type: Boolean
TopChildren() As IEnumerable(Of NodeType) Returns the highest level nodes which have a type matching the supplied parameter. Items of the supplied type which are below another item of the same type will not be returned.
ToString() As String Returns the display name for the node.
Unload() Unloads the children of this node. Call this method to free up the memory associated with large branches of the tree.
Unlock() Unlocks a previously locked node.
Update() As Boolean Updates the database row associated with this node with any fields which have been changed.
ValidateProperties() As ValidationErrorList Validates the properties of the object, returning a list of validation errors.
WriteToLog(Type As EventType, Message As String, pa() As Object()) Writes an entry to the log table in the database.
          Type: EventType
          The type of event to log.
          Type: String
          The message, or message format. Uses String.Format syntax.
          Type: Object
          Parameters for String.Format
WriteToLog(ex As Exception, Message As String, pa() As Object()) Writes an error to the Grooper event log, using the stack trace from the provided exception and the specified message.
          Type: Exception
          The exception.
          Type: String
          The message to log.
          Type: Object
          String.Format() params.
WriteToLog(ex As Exception) Writes an error to the Grooper event log, using the stack trace and message contained the provided exception.
          Type: Exception
          The exception to log.


Command Name Description
Add Multiple Items Creates multiple items as children of the selected object.
Clear Children Deletes all children of the selected object(s).
Content Type - Create Data Model Creates a new data model object on this content type.
Content Type - Create Local Resources Folder Creates a new Local Resources Folder on this content type.
Export to Zip Archive Exports a set of Grooper nodes to a ZIP archive.
Content Type - Generate Control Sheets Creates a new Grooper Control Sheet for this content type.
Publish to Grooper Repository Publishes one or more Nodes to one or more Target Grooper Repositories.
Content Type - Purge Training Purges all classification training and samples from this item and all items below it.
Content Type - Rebuild Training Rebuilds classification training for this item and all items below it.
Unpublish Unpublishes a set of Grooper Nodes to a Target Grooper Repository.