Activity Tester

Activity Testers are Node Views which display in Grooper Design Studio when a Batch Process Step object is selected. The specific testers which display will depend on what type of Activity the step is configured to execute. At a minimum, the Attended Activity Tester or Unattended Activity Tester will be displayed, depending on whether the step is configured with an Attended Activity or an Unattended Activity. Some activities provide additional testers. For example, the Recognize activity provides the Recognition Unit Tester, which is designed to help administrators troubleshoot OCR issues.

Node Type Description
Attended Activity Tester Provides a user interface allowing an Attended Activity to be tested.
Classify Tester Tester used to test and configure the Classify step of a batch process.
ESP Auto Separation Tester Provides a user interface to test the Separate activity.
Page Classification Tester Provides a user interface allowing the Classification of pages to be tested.
Recognition Unit Tester Provides a user interface for testing the Recognize activity.
Redaction Preview Provides a user interface for testing the Redact Activity on test batch documents.
Unattended Activity Tester Provides a user interface allowing an Unattended Activity to be tested.
XML Transform Tester Provides interactive editing and testing of an XSLT 1.0 transform associated with the XML Transform Activity.